Dostava je BESPLATNA za sve narudžbe iznad 30,00 EUR
Diverse soil structure of volcanic origin and its proximity to two oceans and their effects on the climate make Guatemala unique amongst coffee-growing nations. The natural synergy of plants has created microclimatic conditions that suit the development of coffee with the aromatic tastes of dark chocolate and spice.
Vacuum sealed 250 g
8.99 €
Proizvod je uspješno dodan u košaricu.
Dostava je BESPLATNA za sve narudžbe iznad 30,00 EUR
Što je to single-origin kava?
Single-origin kava je kava koja se uzgaja unutar jednog poznatog zemljopisnog područja koje može biti i veličine samo jedne farme, čime se takvoj kavi dodjeljuje naziv 'single-origin' uz naziv zemljopisnog podrijetla od kuda dolazi. Tako je primjerice nastala 'single origin' Guatemala ili Costa Rica. 'Single-origin' kava stoga ima specifičan, prepoznatljiv okus koji je rezultat regije gdje je kava uzgajana. Na splet okusa 'single origin' kave primarno djeluju klimatski uvjeti u kojem kava raste, a dodatno procesi pred-pripreme i pripreme kave Franck.

Single Origin
Način pripreme
In 100 ml of boiling water add 2 full teaspoons of coffee, mix well and heat again gently until the foam rises. Wait 3-5 minutes before serving.
Dispense 2 full teaspoons of coffee and 125 ml of water into the coffee maker and cook until the extraction is complete.
Depending on the size of the moka, pour cold water to the valve. Pour the coffee lightly into the sieve provided. The coffee is brewed at the boiling temperature until the extraction is complete.
Add 2 teaspoons of coffee to a french press jug. Separately, heat 100 ml of water to boiling, pour over the coffee and return the lid with the mesh to the jug. Leave the drink for 3-5 minutes for the precipitate to settle, squeeze the drink on the lid of the jug before serving.
Opis proizvoda
250g / 8,75 oz
Roast and ground coffee. Vacuum packed.
Keep in a dry place!
Franck d.d., Vodovodna ulica 20, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
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